The Soul Calendar: Wondering about our universe and the universe inside us: astronomy, physics, psychology, neuroscience, earth sciences.
28 February 2009
Thank you to new Feed subscribers!

From Denny:
Hi, everyone! Thanks for taking this The Soul Calendar feed, much appreciated!
Apparently, Feedburner is having count issues. A while back they were bought out by Google. It looks like just now they are making the change over of accounts and the like. The numbers have been looking downright screwy the past few days so am unable to know exactly how many have signed up or remained. Go figure. Feedburner has a notice of basically to wait it out for the next three days as the current stats are far lower than is true. Guess telling people to expect good things keeps the beasties away! :)
Either way it turns out, if one person or 50 folks have signed up, just know that you are most welcome here and well appreciated! Let me know if you have any info to pass along that pertains to this blog and I'll be glad to include it or write about it - even link to it.
Thanks for the listen and keep on coming back to visit! I think this calls for a group hug! (huge grin)
Photo of rolling happy dog by g-hat @ flickr
Labels: news,science,funny,politics
thank you
Self Help - Blasting Through Your Belief Barriers

Self Help - Blasting Through Your Belief Barriers:
"... You need this information to help you understand... understand what you are missing. Because you have lingering:
Uncertainities about your life and living.
You have fears gripping you rendering you incapable of perfect action.
You have indecisiveness.
You probably have hopelessness.
You probably don't know what to do or how to get out of your debilitating circumstances..."
By Shahnaz Rauf
Photo by Gwennypics @ flickr
Lots of useful information for forming new attitudes to help you steer yourself through life!
Labels: news,science,funny,politics
life coaching,
Shahnaz Rauf
26 February 2009
Simple Easy Ways to Update Loved Recipes to Healthy

Simple Easy Ways to Update Loved Recipes to Healthy: "Bon Appetit!
There are small tweaks you can do to update and still retain the pleasure of eating well! 4 videos."
Have you learned how to make ghee or clarified butter? The simple science of it is as much fun as the eating!
By Denny Lyon
Photo by iLoveButter @ flickr
Labels: news,science,funny,politics
clarifying butter,
denny lyon,
healthy alternatives,
Swiss Cheese Green Bean Casserole
How to Recall an Entire Book in 5 Minutes or Less

"Have you ever read a great book, and after only a short period of time could recall just one or two ideas from it? It is very frustrating - and it happens all the time. But there’s a way to avoid forgetting what you have read and, if you do, instantly refresh it in your mind.
Reading Goals, Cheated
The key to reading effectively is to be fully engaged in what you are reading. Underlining, questioning, taking notes – these all help – but there’s one single element that is essential if you want to read effectively: you need to know what your goal is. This is standard advice, and is indeed a good one. But if you want your reading to be truly effective and long-lasting, you need more than simply a goal: you need a very specific and tangible one.
Take, for example, a book such as Getting Things Done. The goal “to get more organized” would be good enough - but just as a generic goal, not as a specific one. A generic goal may be enough to motivate you to start reading a book, but won’t be truly effective by itself to keep you fully involved while reading it. We need something more concrete."
By Luciano Passuello
Labels: news,science,funny,politics
brain power,
increase your memory ability,
mind maps,
reading comprehension
24 February 2009
What is Mind Mapping? (and How to Get Started Immediately)

"A mind map is a graphical way to represent ideas and concepts. It is a visual thinking tool that helps structuring information, helping you to better analyze, comprehend, synthesize, recall and generate new ideas.
Just as in every great idea, its power lies in its simplicity.
In a mind map, as opposed to traditional note taking or a linear text, information is structured in a way that resembles much more closely how your brain actually works. Since it is an activity that is both analytical and artistic, it engages your brain in a much, much richer way, helping in all its cognitive functions. And, best of all, it is fun!
So, how does a mind map look like? Better than explaining is showing you an example."
By Luciano Passuello
Labels: news,science,funny,politics
mind mapping,
mind maps
22 February 2009
15 Time Boxing Strategies to Get Things Done

"Putting it simply, time boxing is the most effective time management tool that I know of. Even if you already know and use it to some extent, there is a good chance that you can make it even better with some of the tips that follow.
For those new to it, time boxing is simply fixing a time period to work on a task or group of tasks. Instead of working on a task until it’s done, you commit to work on it for a specific amount of time instead.
But don’t let the simplicity of the concept deceive you — there’s much more to this tool than meets the eye."
By Luciano Passuello
Whether you are a science type or creative type we all can benefit from these practical tips!
Labels: news,science,funny,politics
time boxing,
time management
21 February 2009
Astronomy: Child of the universe

Child of the universe: "You gaze at the stars on a warm balmy evening. There is silence, not a thing to be heard. You fill with wonder.
It’s so huge up there. You feel insignificant, a speck, nothing. Surely we're not alone, there must be life out there?"
By ajbarnett
Photo of Rainbow Ocean by Thelma1 Divient
Here's a succinct short article about the magical stuff called star dust and how it relates to us. And here you thought those New Age types were wack-o's! Think again...
Labels: news,science,funny,politics
Christian Views,
New Age,
Opposing Views,
Religion and Spirituality,
star dust,
20 February 2009
How to Develop Your Visualization Skill

"Think about this: everything we do begin as a thought. Every action, every word, every human creation exists first in our imagination.
The ability to see things before they actually happen is what enables us to pursue our dreams and ultimately achieve them. In fact, the better we visualize the future we want, the better our chances to make it happen.
Training the Mind is Training the Body
Your brain cannot differentiate well between real action and mental action. There has been research done showing that thinking about an action — even while your body is at rest — will fire the neural pathways in your brain just as you were actually doing it."
By Albert Foong
Various forms and levels of visualizations have been used for decades now by people in all walks of life. Here it is explained in an easy and useful manner to apply immediately.
Labels: news,science,funny,politics
goal setting,
how the brain works,
visual thinking
19 February 2009

Psychology - "Are there any good things about psychology? If so then what are they? These are some questions that often ask by people who are curious and interested about psychology and about studying it. I have done a good research in order to answer these questions and below I have enumerated them all."
By raymondphillippe
Thought about studying in the field of psychology? This writer has given you some ideas of where to start and what to consider.
Labels: news,science,funny,politics
psychology fields,
18 February 2009
Overwhelmed by Your To-Do List? Go With a ‘Will-Do’ List Instead

"Creating task lists can give you an immediate sense of control and productivity.
However, if you have been using them for a while, you may also feel how stressful and overwhelming they can become: instead of shrinking, these lists usually only get longer and longer, no matter how fast you knock your tasks down. What to do?
Every now and then I think about abandoning my task lists altogether. I miss the feeling of freedom I once had when I didn’t use them. But then I must concede that they really help manage my life, and I end up deciding to keep using them.
Luckily, a while ago I came across the idea of ‘will-do’ lists. It’s a great concept from the book Do It Tomorrow by Mark Forster, and it was exactly what I needed to resolve my task management dilemma."
By Luciano Passuelloon
This is something most creative and intelligent people wrestle with on a daily basis. This blogger writes an easy to understand AND easy to do article that is worth your time to read!
Labels: news,science,funny,politics
time management,
to do list,
will do list
17 February 2009
Logical Levels

Logical Levels: "The Logical Levels model can help you align your environment, behaviors, competencies, beliefs/values, identity and purpose, challenging them also to consider a higher purpose - whether work- based, family, social or spiritual in which they make a contribution outside the day-to-day demands of life."
By raymondphillippe
This is a thorough article on the subject and also discusses time management with quite a large number of good links too.
Labels: news,science,funny,politics
goal setting,
meeting objectives,
neurolinguistic programming,
time management
16 February 2009
Improve Your Memory by Speaking Your Mind's Language

"By learning the language your mind uses, you’ll be able to tap into your mind’s full potential and develop a remarkable memory. It’s easier than you think - and you’ll actually have fun doing it.
Your Mind Thinks in Pictures
Along its evolution, the brain has become amazingly effective in dealing with sensory data. It is by correctly interpreting the five senses that the mind understands the environment and takes decisions.
Among the human senses, sight has become the most sophisticated and developed of all. For that reason, our brains have become extremely effective in storing and processing images; especially of concrete, real-world objects. Trying to memorize abstract symbols, such as words printed on a page, is very unnatural and inefficient. Words are useful units of communication created by us, but they’re not how our brains are best used to process information."
By Luciano Passuelloon
I just love this guy's blog and so will you!
Labels: news,science,funny,politics
increase your memory ability,
visual learning
15 February 2009
Newest Health Care Plan: Food as Medicine

Newest Health Care Plan: Food as Medicine - "OK, so what does the minor political rant have to do with food as medicine you ask? Plenty. When jobs are scarce or people are underemployed – like most of America right now with 100,000 each week entering those unhappy ranks – people make really bad food choices.
Because of job and ensuing financial stress they go to sugar, lots of carbohydrates and low quality meats. With stress on the rise during this tough economic time worldwide, wallets and bank accounts depleted, it’s time to think of food as medicine."
By Denny Lyon
Photo by TimWilson @ flickr
Labels: news,science,funny,politics
denny lyon,
healthy diet,
14 February 2009
Science on a Sphere - Smithsonian Natural History
"This is the Science on a Sphere installation in the new Global Ocean Systems exhibit at the National Museum of Natural History. The sphere uses four projectors to wrap images around a six-foot diameter sphere. We visited the exhibit only a couple of days after it opened. There were four short videos on ocean system science that seemed to hold the audience's attention. The small theater containing the sphere is a beautiful space - somewhat intimate but still connected to the broader exhibit."
13 February 2009
What Are fingerprints?

What Are fingerprints? - Short article about the history of fingerprinting and a few interesting facts as well!
By hassam
Labels: news,science,funny,politics
12 February 2009
Ten Illustrated Quotes: Humor

Ten Illustrated Quotes: Humor: "Collecting humorous quotes is always a laugh out loud moment well spent. Well, I’m always advising people to live out loud…"
By Denny Lyon
Photo by Midnight-digital @ flickr
Labels: news,science,funny,politics
denny lyon,
11 February 2009
The Science Behind Self-Affirmations

The Science Behind Self-Affirmations - Here's a short informative article about how positive self-talk works in conjunction with the brain.
By Maddie Ruud
Photo by tapperboy @ flickr
Labels: news,science,funny,politics
food science,
Maddie Ruud,
positive self-talk,
10 February 2009
Theories of Emotion - What, Why & How?

Theories of Emotion - What, Why and How?: "In the history of emotion theory, four major explanations for the complex mental and physical experiences that we call 'feelings' have been put forward."
By Maddie Ruud
Photo by Lin Pernille Photography @ flickr
Labels: news,science,funny,politics
emotional theory,
Lin Pernille Photography,
Maddie Ruud
09 February 2009
How to Effect Positive Life Change

How to Effect Positive Life Change: "If you're unhappy with your life, change can seem overwhelming, but changing your life for the better can be as easy enough as using behavior modification techniques to break those bad habits that lower your self esteem and increase the positive behaviors you would like to increase."
Short informative article containing 7 easy steps you can practice!
By Maddie Ruud
Photo by apesara @ flickr
Labels: news,science,funny,politics
life change,
Maddie Ruud,
positive change
08 February 2009
Molecular Gastronomy – Where Science Meets Cuisine

Molecular Gastronomy – Where Science Meets Cuisine: "The science of molecular gastronomy has given us knowledge about why foods do what they do, under what circumstances, and how. And it has fascinated us by busting myths"
Photo by Claire L. Evan @ flickr
Labels: news,science,funny,politics
Claire L. Evan,
food art,
food science,
molecular gastronomy,
Sallys Trove,
07 February 2009
Stunningly Intricate: Curta Mechanical Calculator

Stunningly Intricate: Curta Mechanical Calculator: "Probably the weirdest story of invention ever told:
Working on this device saved the life of its inventor, and could've put 'the ultimate computing weapon' into the hands of every Nazi army engineer... pretty much the stuff of nightmares.
'Herzstark was a prisoner at Buchenwald but the camp leaders were aware of his work and encouraged it. They apparently wanted to give the invention to the Fuehrer as a victory gift at the end of the war!"
By odd world
Labels: news,science,funny,politics
concentration camp,
early calculator,
Henry Ward Beecher,
odd world
What Is The Science of Sexual Attraction?

What Is The Science of Sexual Attraction? - If you want to know how what smells good to have influences who you love then read on!
Photo by furryscaly @ flickr
06 February 2009
Is Astrology a Science?

Is Astrology a Science?: "The question is whether astrology can be considered to be a science, or is more akin to spirituality and faith. In this respect, I will use the strict definitions of what constitutes science, looking at the scientific method and the entire philosophy underpinning the very nature of science itself. This is not an attempt to debunk astrology, but to show that it is not a science, by any definition of the word."
By SufiDreamer
Photo by euthman @ flickr
Labels: news,science,funny,politics
05 February 2009
The Raven Paradox

The Raven Paradox: "All scientists use reasoning and logic at some stage, to create hypotheses and design robust experiments. In a beautiful and elegant treatise, the German philosopher Carl G Hempel, in 1965, showed that there were flaws in these long-established processes. His Raven Paradox called into question the established processes of inductive reasoning, generalization and falsifiability"
By SufiDreamer
Photo by Atli Haroarson
Labels: news,science,funny,politics
Carl Hempel,
inductive reasoning,
raven paradox,
04 February 2009
Video: The Don't Quit Poem

Inspirational video! Great for creative people to help with discouragement and burnout. Good images and music. Worth the listen.
Labels: news,science,funny,politics
WTL photos,
YouTube video
Information on fingerprints

Information on fingerprints: "Its accepted that the chances of two fingerprints matching sixteen ridges characteristics are infinitively small. In the world's crime records, no two identical fingerprints have been reported. While in the case of criminals,impressions of all the digits of both hands are taken and preserved by the Police for further identification."
Short informative article about how fingerprinting is used in the medical and legal fields.
By topstuff
Photo by DerrickT @ flickr
Labels: news,science,funny,politics
03 February 2009
Science and Religion - The Ethical Dilemma

Science and Religion - The Ethical Dilemma: "There is little doubt that science has improved the quality of human life, but the focus is now shifting to whether this progress needs a counterweight. Technological advances are unrecognisably and irreversibly changing human culture. The question is now about whether humanity, and its moral code, is lying forgotten on the road of discovery."
By SufiDreamer
Photo by alicepopkorn @ flickr
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