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28 March 2011

Dennys Global Politics: Peoples Revolution Recaptures Port Cities: Libya Political Cartoons

Tornado GR4 Takes Off from RAF Marham to Enfor...Image by Defence Images via Flickr

Dennys Global Politics: Peoples Revolution Recaptures Port Cities: Libya Political Cartoons: "Since the U.S. and the minority coalition established the No-Fly Zone over Libya last week, the rebels have fared better. To gain control over the skies, it was necessary to destroy Gadafi compounds, tanks, anti-aircraft batteries, weapons dumps and whole regiments of troops on the move. In short, America, the British and the French decimated most of the Gadafi regime.

At present, the rebels have marched along the coastal cities, taking back ownership after Gadafi drove them out with aerial bombings and tank bombardments. Turn about was fair play and Gadafi's troops got a taste of the horror they inflicted upon others, now visited upon themselves."
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