Jon Stewart (Image via RottenTomatoes.com) |
The Social Poets: Jon Stewart Interviews Losing Lawyer On Supreme Court Strip Search Case:
From Denny: Check out Jon Stewart in this unusual interview of the lawyer who lost the most important case for the world.
If you get arrested for a speeding ticket, jaywalking, a bell too quiet on your bicycle and other minor offences, then you all get arrested and strip searched by the police as a matter of regular procedure. Yes, America has entered the world of the outrageous.
America, as you know it, no longer exists as we are now officially a police state. Americans have lost the majority of our rights - like civil rights, privacy rights, and just about everything else they could take. All our rights have slowly eroded since 9/11 out of the fear of terrorism.
Police now possess sweeping, authoritarian, unlimited, absolute powers to do whatever they like to you, your spouse, your family, your children, your friends because it is all at the discretion of the police. If a cop is having a bad day then expect yours to get a lot worse too because there is nothing to stop him.